Safety in Action: Responding to Explosive Devices and Mine Hazards training for volunteers in Kherson

In August, in Kherson, experts from the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Kherson Region, in collaboration with the Training and Methodological Center for Civil Protection and Life Safety of the Kherson Region and in partnership with the "Union" Foundation conducted mine danger training for 15 volunteers working in the Kherson Region. 

The purpose of the training was to deepen the participants' knowledge of how to handle detected explosive objects, conduct visual identification of the type of explosive objects, form the correct algorithm of actions in the event of a mine hazard, and the procedure and rules for providing first aid to victims. 

The training participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the types of explosive objects used by the enemy on Ukraine's territory. On a special ground, with the help of training models, they saw the types and methods of demining and learned how to act correctly in case of detection of various explosive objects.

In the second part of the training, all those present got acquainted with the principles of providing first aid to the injured and could practice practical skills with a mannequin and tourniquets to stop bleeding and other emergency situations. Thanks to the Prague Civil Society Center, we provided all volunteers with their own tourniquets after the training.