595 recovery ideas were offered by residents of the Stanislav, Bilozerka and Chornobaivka communities

From November 2023 to February 2024, the "Union" Fund, in cooperation with the military administrations of the Stanislav, Bilozerka, and Chornobaivka communities, collected ideas regarding the desired initiatives in the field of recovery among the population that displaced and remains in the mentioned communities. 

Ideas were collected in two stages: online and offline. One feature of ideas collection was marking the desired initiative in a specific place on the map. In addition to the proposals themselves, community residents could indicate the desired initiative on the map (online or offline). 

Also, during the survey, people were asked to indicate the field to which the idea belongs, who is the beneficiary of the implementation of such an idea, who should participate in its implementation, and also who should finance it. 

Everyone who would like to participate directly in implementing the idea had the opportunity to indicate in which format they are ready to participate and leave contacts for further communication. 

A total of 595 ideas were submitted - 343 ideas online and 252 ideas offline: 

  1. the Chornobaivka community: 257 ideas 
  2. the Bilozerka community: 175 ideas 
  3. the Stanislav community: 153 ideas 

Among the settlements where ideas were submitted by residents and marked on the maps: Oleksandrivka, Stanislav, Shyroka Balka, Sofiivka, Tomyna Balka, Kizomys, Bilozerka, Nadezhdivka, Myroliubivka, Pravdyne, Chornobaivka, Blahodatne, Soldatske, Klapaia, Krutyi Yar etc.

The most submitted ideas are in the social sphere (14.62%), culture (13.45%), security (12.61%), education (12.27%), and medicine (12.1%). 

If compare the number of ideas submitted by those who were displaced and those who remained in the community, we have the following picture: those who did not change their place of residence after February 24, 2022, submitted more ideas in the field of security (55 ideas from those who remained against 20 from IDPs), the social field (52 against 35), the medicine (67 against 5), the ecology (44 against 26), the development of civil society (28 against 18). 

At the same time, IDPs submitted more ideas in the field of business (26 from IDPs against 23 from those who remained), culture (48 from IDPs against 32), and education (37 from IDPs against 36). 

54.12% of submitted ideas involve constructing a new or restoring a destroyed building. 

59.16% of all ideas are aimed at youth and children. 

Regarding who should finance the proposed initiatives, the respondents noted that it should mostly be done by the government: state (58.49%), local (36.3%), and international organizations - 4.2%. 

Respondents also believe that the government should be involved in implementing initiatives - 59.5%. 

71.93% of respondents indicated they are ready to directly participate in implementing their submitted initiatives. 

Regarding the format of participation, 62.62% indicated that they are ready to simply take part in the implementation of initiatives, 24.53% are ready to provide informative coverage of the progress of the implementation of initiatives, 5.37% expressed a desire to directly manage the process of implementation of initiatives, 4.67% are ready to monitor, and 2.8% to finance. 

62.18% of respondents did not change their place of residence after February 24, 2022, so they remained living in one of the communities: the Chornobayivka, Bilozerka, or Stanislav. 

Among those who were forced to change their place of residence after February 24, 2022, at the time of submission of ideas lived in Ukraine (71.11%) and abroad (28.29%). 

Yuriy Antoschuk, head of the "Union" Foundation, notes: "If we analyze the ideas presented themselves, we can see the difference between the ideas presented by IDPs and those who remain living in the communities. IDPs offer more initiatives aimed at development and "soft" projects (for example, holding festivals, organizing events, artistic events, etc.). Residents who did not change their place of residence after February 24, 2022, to a greater extent offer initiatives in the field of restoration, often infrastructural (restoration of roads, buildings, security measures, and elements, etc.)". 

At the next stage, it is important to analyze all submitted ideas, highlighting those that can be implemented now and putting aside those that cannot be implemented at the moment due to security issues. Based on ideas, it is necessary to develop projects, if possible, involving initiators (if they have left their contacts), draw up budgets and schedules, and determine indicators and responsible persons.