How to communicate during the war: basic rules and algorithms discussed by Kherson residents at a webinar

How to communicate during war: what phrases/topics are best avoided, how to create a sense of trust and security when communicating at a distance, how and what is desirable to say to a person who has just experienced a loss or a solid traumatic experience, is it worth hiding the realities of war from children?

These topics were discussed today at the webinar “How to communicate during the war?” together with the lecturer of the volunteer project "Yak ty brate?" Zoya Zynovyeva and representatives of state authorities, public organizations, volunteers, and representatives of condominiums of Kherson and the region.

We received a lot of practical advice and explanations on how to use the volunteer project’s manuals for communication in various situations: “How are you, brother?”, “How are you, beloved?”, “How are you, sun?”, “How are you, commander?”, “How are you, veteran?”. 

 By the way, these and other manuals can be downloaded for free here, or write to us at and pick them up in Kherson.

We plan to organize the following lectures in partnership with the volunteer initiative “How are you, brother?”. The nearest idea is the lecture “How to communicate with veterans?”.