Members of the Kherson Club of Active Citizens learned how to protect themselves from radiological, chemical, biological, and nuclear threats

How can we protect ourselves from radiological, chemical, biological, and nuclear threats? Representatives of condominiums, public organizations, volunteers, and active citizens of the city learned about this at the new meeting of the Kherson Club of Active Citizens

This topic is relevant because, if we draw analogies, we also did not believe in the possibility of undermining the Kakhovskaya HPP. However, the Russian occupying forces committed a terrorist attack, and it happened. Therefore, any threat - chemical, biological, or nuclear from the Russian Federation can become a reality. 

So, together with the teacher of the Training and Methodological Center of Civil Protection and Life Safety of the Kherson Region, Yuriy Omelchenko, we considered the following: 

  • what threats related to radiation and chemical hazards exist for the Kherson Region; 
  • what are radiation, nuclear explosion, and biological weapons; 
  •  what dangerous chemical and military poisons exist. 

We also talked about means of individual protection of respiratory organs and skin. 

Yuriy Omelchenko instructed the event participants on preparing for potential threats, what actions should be taken during a particular disaster, and what should not be done. Also worked out all the actions in practice. 

After the training, the Union Foundation and partners gave each participant in the event a set of personal protective equipment.

This training is organized within the framework of the project "Kherson: on the Way to Кecovery" conducted by the "Union" Foundation as part of its project implemented under the USAID/ENGAGE activity, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Pact. The activities of this Club are the sole responsibility of Pact and its implementing partners and do not necessary reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.