At the beginning of February 2023, fifteen Kherson condominiums received generators with a capacity of 3 kW, oil for them, cans, and network filters to provide residents of high-rise buildings with the opportunity to recharge household appliances and phones in the event of power outages in Kherson.
We distributed generators among high-rise buildings in KhBK, Shumenskyi, Tavriyskyi, Ostriv and Center residential neighborhoods on the basis of official letters received from the heads of condominiums.
All the equipment was purchased within the framework of the initiative of our Foundation "Union", supported by Kimonix Int. within the UCBI III project.
The total amount of the transferred equipment was UAH 440,175.00.
As a reminder, earlier we also supported 3 condominiums with generators, extension cords, and cans with the funds of the British Council and the EU.