Mini-grants competition among initiative groups, the young public and charitable organizations for the implementation of local initiatives

The Kherson Regional Charitable Fund "Union," with the support of NED, announces a grant competition for the implementation of socially significant mini-projects and initiatives among unregistered initiatives and working groups, young registered public and charitable associations, and organizations in Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Mykolaiv, and Odesa regions. 

Projects can be aimed at: 

✅ strengthening social cohesion in the community; 

✅ promotion of public safety in the community; 

✅ creation and strengthening of ties between volunteers, authorities, businesses, and other participants in social processes; 

✅ building a dialogue between different social groups in the community; 

✅ supporting older people and promoting inclusion (increasing equal access to the community environment, in particular people with disabilities); 

✅ promotion of youth development, popularization of active citizenship, and formation of leadership qualities; 

✅ promotion of mental health of community residents in conditions of martial law; 

✅ promoting the achievement of gender equality and ensuring the observance of equality of rights and opportunities; 

✅ contributing to the improvement of the environment. 

Projects should not include agitation, protest, or political actions. Also, within the framework of this competition, purchasing for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the police, and other law enforcement structures or agencies, as well as the procurement and distribution of humanitarian aid, are not provided for. 

Representatives of the government and/or state, communal institutions must be involved in the implementation of the projects as partners, and who will help implement the projects with their own resources (expertise, premises, equipment, etc.). 

The COMPLETED APPLICATION must be sent by 23:00 on October 8, 2023 to In the letter, indicate: "Application for the mini-grant competition" 

Financial support involves covering the costs of the project for: 

🟢 purchase/rental of equipment (machinery, furniture, etc.); 

🟢 purchase of materials (including for carrying out repair works); 

🟢 payment for services necessary for the implementation of the project; 

🟢 printing services; 

🟢 consumables; 

🟢 local trips; 

🟢 other costs directly related to project implementation. 

The project does not cover expenses for: 

🔴 wages of team members working on the project; 

🔴 expenses for renting offices, current organizational expenses (for example, topping up mobile accounts, paying for the services of Internet providers, etc.); 

🔴 language learning; 

🔴 salary of civil servants; 

🔴 expenses for external advertising and payment for publications in mass media; 

🔴 procurement and distribution of humanitarian aid; 

🔴 projects with a commercial purpose. 

Maximum grant amount: UAH 50,000.00


Mandatory co-financing of the project from the applicant, partners, local authorities is at least 20% of the grant in monetary or non-monetary form (for example, through the free provision of premises, equipment, services, etc. by partners).  In this case, the project manager's salary is not considered co-financing. 

The total number of projects that will be supported: 8. 

Regions where the projects are to be implemented: Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Mykolaiv, and Odesa regions. The territory is under the control of the Ukrainian government. 

Who can apply: unregistered initiative and working groups, young registered public and charitable associations and organizations.

Project implementation period: up to 3 months. 

Main dates: 

📅 Application deadline: by 23:00 on October 8, 2023 

📅 Announcement of winners: until October 15, 2023 

📅 Signing of contracts with winners: October 15-23, 2023 

📅 Project implementation period: October 23, 2023 – January 21, 2024 

📅 Project reporting period: January 28, 2024. 

Any questions about the competition can be sent to the email until October 5 inclusive: 

The COMPLETED APPLICATION should be sent by 23:00 on October 8, 2023 to the email: 

In the letter, indicate: "Application for mini-grants competition" 

Additional comments and recommendations for the preparation of projects 

👉 Please note that projects that involve only the purchase of something and transfer this to someone are not the priorities of the competition. Although the projects allow the purchase of goods, equipment, etc., nevertheless, in each proposed project there must be social action and activity, events involving the target audience and stakeholders in the process. 

👉 We expect projects to be implemented in cooperation with local authorities or representatives of administrations, state, and communal institutions. 

👉 Co-financing of projects is a mandatory condition. This co-financing can be in the form of free provision of premises, equipment, machinery, etc., by partners and authorities. It is essential to reflect this free assistance in the budget as funds in the co-financing column. For example, if you are provided with a room for 2 hours for free, and the market price for renting such a room is UAH 200/hour, then in the co-financing column, you must indicate "Rental room UAH 200 * 2 hours = UAH 400." 

👉 Confirmation of co-financing and partnership. When submitting the application form, please also submit a letter of support from your partners in free form that they are really ready to cooperate with you and help you in this project. Send the letter together with the application form in one package. 

👉 All expenses and financing, purchases, etc., will be carried out by our Fund in a cashless format directly to the suppliers you find, so the costs for an accountant or bank expenses do not need to be included in the project budget. 

👉 Do not forget to include in the budget the costs of delivery of this or that equipment, if such a purchase is provided, and other similar expenses. The approved amount of the project budget cannot be increased by us after its implementation. You will have to cover all costs not foreseen in the budget yourself.