Public safety initiatives will be implemented in 6 communities of the Kherson region

The second meetings of working groups on public safety and recovery were held in the Novovoronotsovka, Vysokopillia, Kochubeivka, Stanislav, Bilozerka, and Chornobayivka communities. The future projects supported by UNDP were presented. 

Due to the worsening of the security situation in the region, all meetings of working groups were held online. 

Previously, working groups were created in each of these communities, which included representatives of military administrations, the police, the State Emergency Service, and public activists, and discussed problems and desired initiatives in the field of public safety and social cohesion. 

After fruitful work on finalizing and planning ideas, public safety initiatives have been selected to be supported by UNDP in the coming months. 

What will be implemented in communities? 

Video surveillance cameras will be installed in some settlements in the Novovorontsovka and Chornobaivka communities. They will make it much easier for the police to prevent crimes and solve cases. All locations for installing cameras are approved by the Main Department of the National Police and will increase the level of public safety. 

A room for the police will be set up in the Stanislav community. The Village council will allocate a renovated room, and a workplace and a restroom will be equipped with UNDP funds. 

New fire hydrants will be installed in the Vysokopillia, Bilozerka and Chornobaivka communities, which will make the work of firefighters much easier. 

Safety classes will be created in two educational institutions of the Kochubeivka community to teach children both online and offline the basics of civil protection. 

In the Belozerka community, dispensaries will be provided with uninterrupted power supply systems to maintain the appropriate temperature level for the storage of medicines and vaccines, especially in conditions of future power outages. 

All ideas were discussed and collegially selected by public security working groups as the first priority for implementation in the near future, and which UNDP is ready to support. 

Earlier, as part of the network of working groups in the Kherson region, UNDP already supported the initiative of the Main Department of the State Emergency Service by purchasing a drone and related equipment for the survey of potentially mined areas on the right bank of the Kherson region.

The initiative "Kherson region: public security and recovery in conditions of change" was implemented by the "Union" Foundation with the assistance of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Ukraine with the financial support of the Government of Denmark, provided within the framework of the UN Program for Reconstruction and Peacebuilding.

The UN Program for Reconstruction and Peacebuilding is implemented by four UN agencies: the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), the United Nations Reproductive Health Agency (UNFPA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 

Eleven international partners support the program: the European Union (EU), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the US Embassy in Ukraine, and the governments of Denmark, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Sweden, and Japan.