Condominiums from the Korabel neighborhood can get fire extinguishers

Thanks to the donation of "Schneider Group" LLC and private donations, we purchased 45 fire extinguishers, which will be transferred to the condominiums in the Korabel neighborhood. 

The high-rise buildings that have not previously received such assistance should send us a request letter of the appropriate sample to In the letter's subject, indicate "Fire extinguishers for condominiums." 

We will provide each building with 3-5 new fire extinguishers for emergency extinguishing of fires before the arrival of firefighters. These fires occur in apartments due to shelling by occupiers from the left bank. The number of fire extinguishers is limited. 

If you want to support the Kherson people, you can donate funds so we can purchase more protection and rapid response equipment. 

You can help people by Visa/Mastercard and/or bank transfer

As a reminder, at the beginning of this year, we already handed over 92 fire desks and 184 fire extinguishers to 28 condominiums in Kherson, and in the summer, 55 fire extinguishers and 25 fully equipped fire stations were received by the Novovorontsovka, Visokopillia, Kochubeivka, Stanislav, Bilozerka and Chornobayika communities.