The Chornobaiivka, Bilozerka and Stanislav communities worked on communication plans for future projects

Representatives of the Chornobaiivka, Bilozerka, and Stanislav communities actively worked for two days on the development of communication plans for future restoration projects.

During the workshop, participants defined target audiences, systematized communication channels, formulated key messages, and drew a content plan for the next few months.

Soon, 11 projects developed based on previously collected ideas from local residents will be implemented in the three mentioned communities. The selected initiatives are supported as part of our collaboration with UCBI: Strengthening Public Trust in Ukraine.

We will discuss future projects in more detail separately. As a reminder, from November 2023 to February 2024, the "Union" Foundation, in cooperation with the military administrations of the Stanislav, Bilozerska, and Chornobaiivka communities, collected 595 ideas in several stages regarding desired initiatives in the field of recovery among the population that left and remains in the specified communities.

 After evaluating the ideas, initiative groups were formed in the communities with the participation of representatives of the authorities and the public. These groups discussed the initiatives and developed 11 full-fledged projects. Each project involves both funding from the donor and co-financing from each of the three communities.

At each stage, our Foundation provided consultations to communities regarding the implementation of each step, involved the local population in the process, built dialogue platforms for initiative groups, helped with the development of projects, and provided informational support for activities. A few very busy months of the active phase of implementing initiatives important to communities are ahead.