The training session on mine danger and the provision of first aid was held in Kherson

At the beginning of October, a two-day training, "Safety in Action: Responding to Explosive Devices and Mine Hazards", was held in Kherson. The event was organized by the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Kherson Region in collaboration with the Training and Methodological Center for Civil Protection and Life Safety of the Kherson Region and in partnership with the "Union" Foundation. 

Twelve representatives of public and charitable foundations, media publications, and volunteers working in Kherson and the Kherson region participated in the training. 

A similar training for volunteers was already held in August, but it was one day, and the participants noted that it was not enough for an in-depth study of the topic. Therefore, in October, the training was expanded and supplemented. 

The training covered various topics, including explosive objects and the rules for handling them, types and methods of mining territories by the enemy, the main directions of mine countermeasures, principles and scenarios of providing first aid, the use of a hemostatic tourniquet, ensuring the patency of the respiratory tract, performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, etc.

The training was carried out by: 

  • Maria Zorina, methodologist of the study room of the Training and Methodological Center for Civil Protection and Life Safety of Kherson Region  
  • Serhiy Dzyubak, the head of the sector of medical support and medical and biological protection of the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kherson Region
  • Serhiy Siroshtan, the head of the group of pyrotechnic works, the group of mechanized demining and special explosives works of the special-purpose emergency and rescue unit of the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kherson Region. 

All participants were awarded certificates as a result of the training and personal turnstiles purchased thanks to the Prague Civil Society Center.